FS712 Intucoat Brush

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FS712 Intucoat Brush is a water-based acrylic coating and adhesive, which may be used in conjunction with FB750 Intubatt, FB770 Intudeck and FJ220 Intubatt 3 as a bonding agent and a surface repair coating.

Fire Rating: 240 Minutes


FS712 Intucoat Brush is suitable for:
- Repairs damage to the surface of the coating on FB750 / FB770 / FJ220
- Bonding of FB750 / FB770 / FJ220 joints, both to substrate and cut pieces
- Coating the raw edge of FB750 & FB770, when using the surface mounted application method
- Cold smoke & air pressure seal
- Fibre encapsulant

Typical areas of use include: health and leisure facilities, schools, universities, modular construction, commercial buildings, hospitals, retail and industrial units, train stations, nuclear power plants, etc...

Always read SDS, pre-application guidance and relevant application detail prior to application. Ensure the latest documents are downloaded prior to every project commencement.

Do not use around CPVC pipes; for this specific application, please use FS719 HP Blue for CPVC.
If used around Pegler X-Press Carbon Steel pipes, the pipe manufacturer should be consulted, and their recommendations followed.
Prior to coating any substrate not listed within this TDS, we recommend a patch test on a trial area be carried out prior to full application. If any adverse effects are noted, contact Tremco CPG UK Technical Services.

Safety data sheet must be read and understood before use.

  • Up to 4 hours fire resistance - Tested to EN 1366-3 (when used in cunjunction with FB750 Intubatt, FB770 Intudeck or FJ220 Intubatt 3)
  • Provides a tested smoke seal
  • Air pressure tested up to 2000 Pa
  • Optifire® unique traceability identifier
  • Acoustics up to 58 dB
FS712 Safety Data Sheet (en-GB).pdf Safety Data Sheets
NF_FS712_datasheet_Intucoat Brush_en-GB_v1.pdf TDS
Nullifire Single Sided Technical Pack (en-GB).pdf Technical Drawing